Monthly Archives: March 2010

Institut Telecom partnering IIT Rajasthan

Institut Telecom is  planning a center of excellence in ICT with Alcatel Lucent and with INRIA in IIT Rajasthan. An indo-french workshop will be organised in Jodpur in september 2010, to start the process.

CNRS-SAMOVAR Research-groups@Telecom SudParis

The Research lab CNRS-SAMOVAR (UMR 5157) at TELECOM  SudParis  is comprised of researchers working in the several domains. Under the direction of Monique BECKER and adjoint director Jean-Pierre DELMAS, the lab is organised in four teams. ARMOR (ARchitecture et MOdélisation de Réseaux) : Network Architecture and Modelisation. AVERSE (Administration, Validation et sEcurité des Réseaux et SErvices), […]